Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Achy Breaky Body

Aaaah... There's nothing like a few good workouts and days of manual labor to make all of those little unknown muscles start to cry out. Suddenly sitting up, taking a step or picking up a glass seem like real tasks. I hurt, but it also feels good. It feels good to hope that I am using that extra energy stored up in the soft cushions around my bum and thighs. It feels good to hope that someone may poke my stomach next time and say, "Wow!" rather than giggle. It feels good to think that when my high school reunion and the next opportunity to go to the beach occur, I can dress without regret for prior neglect. Most of all it feels good to be in motion and know that I can push myself without breaking, to know that I can walk, run, hop, skip, squat, lunge, jump or do a cartwheel. I love to move and I hope that I may be this mobile throughout my life, yet I know that sometimes our bodies change drastically due to illness, car crashes or other such accidents and even age. So till then, I hope to keep running and embracing new physical challenges.
So what, you ask, made me sweaty and sore this time? Well, I acquired an evening job stripping - paint, that is :0) and started trying to run or exercise at a moderate pace nearly everyday. I also rejoined the Y and take part in a super upbeat intense aerobic circuit class on Mondays and Wednesdays and dance on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Because I am super motivated at present, I continue to run, often on the trails on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. If I do not run, but dance or do a lot of hill climbing, then I feel pretty good as well.

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